Shiurim on Mesechta Megillah
File name indicates the daf on which shiur starts.
Click on the link below to listen to the shiur online, or click on the down-arrow at the top of the shiur's web page to download an MP3 file.
Megillah 9A I - Rabbeinu Chananel from two different manuscripts
Megillah 9A II - Rabbeinu Chananel as Emended
Megillah 14A III - Enumeration of 48 Prophets (Nos. 1-19)
Megillah 14A IV - Enumeration of 48 Prophets (Nos. 20-48)
Megillah 14A V - Enumeration of 48 Prophets (GRA's Comment on Rashi)
Megillah - Post-Siyum Comments by Rabbi and Students